Monday, July 18, 2011

Day 43 - Guatepe (Professional kayaker...naah)

Oh today was another fabulous day on the lake, lol! I slept in until 8:15am. I must have been tired and then some! The day started out cloudy and we were unsure if we were going to be able to venture out and do a bit of hiking. As our luck would have it, the skies parted ways and kayaking was back on the map!

We settled for a bit of breakfast, I got a quick tutorial about kayaking. It went something like this "Paddle like this *insert rowing motion demonstration* and paddle in sync to make ways and keep from capsizing." Nick, one of the ownders, helped us into the kayak and pushed us on our way, lol.

Erika has been kayaking before, so she helped me get settled. The first started off a bit rocky, then all of a sudden we were in sync and making movements.  Look at that form, lol.

For a second, I felt like a professional, making each stroke count.. Then I was out of sync quickly and missed the water, lol. Professional kayaker... nah! We kayaked a good bit out and around to different areas, inclusing a few secluded places. It was awesome, although it took some work, lol. There were a few times that we just let the current drift us and enjoyed the lush surroundings and the gentle rides on the waves.

Our silliness!

Some kinda way, I managed to super tan just my ankles.. THAT is NOT a shadow we are looking at. That's probably going to burn tomorrow.

After the hike, we decided to venture into town and enjoy watching the locals interact with various vendors and partake in some water sports! It was awesome to see people enjoy their time away from the hustle and bustle of the city. 

This was a super popular pastry place. I couldn't eat it because it was like a gelatin pastry. Yuck. But I loved their style! 

More plantain chips! 

The locals!

A bit of cable gliding..

Adventures around town..

A neighborhood pool!

Someone made and hung these Virgin Mary flags on everyone's door. I believe it represents the Colombian's faith and protection on each of their homes. There were huge celebrations and mass services in the Plaza.

I can't believe the day is coming to an end. Erika heads out and I am just looking to enjoy some down time over the evening. The highlight was I finally saw limitless, and it proved to be very good!

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