Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Day 29 - Cali (A Glutton for Punishment)

Soo I rise and shine like there is no other morning. I think I might have just been tired. I do some googling to figure out what direction I was heading in, but it was not clear to me, lol. I tried to ask the lady at the front desk, but what I've quickly realized about the help at Jovita's is that they are not helpful for much of anything AND they always give bad directions. I am not sure how this place says they provide Turistmo information. Cause they suck!

Anywho, I walk around and decide to ask the people at the Intercontinental, afterall they should speak English and know where they are going, no? Well they didn't. The guy says I am not sure how to tell you to get there, but go this way and keep going. What the hell kinda directions are those?

So I keep on walking until I get brave enough to ask someone who seems friendly. The first lady does not know, but the guy did. It was an awesome exchange. He told me he had family in Miami and Florida. How cool! After some up-street walking, here is the trail.

Soo I am off on the trek. And boyyy it's a trek! I remember someone telling me there are multiple ways to go up and one is easy, medium, and hard. I thought I had it. I really did, but alas, I find myself on the HARD side of this effin mountain. WTH! Clearly, I am a glutton for punishment! Here is what the side I walked up looks like at a distance.

Here are some views as I walk up trying to get to the Tres Cruces (3 Crosses)

After sweating and an hour or so later, I make it to the top. It's a pretty view of the city, but shyt! You walk a bit more and there is a mini gym on top of the hill near the three Crosses. 

Soo I take it these people hike up this hill and have the audacity *rolls neck* to workout! 
Shiid, I quit. I wanted someone to take me down....

..but I remembered how expensive it was.

What was cool at the middle level was that it was a haven for fruit juices, fresh fruit, smoothies, the works. They were working these carrot drinks for sure..


I get back and shower, pack up my stuff, and wait on the others to get ready. We are off to Salento, which is an adventure in itself, lol. We have to hail a cab that is willing to take all of our stuff..

And we find one that does a good job of packing us in..

We get to the terminal, buy our ticket, and then wait for the shuttle. In the process of waiting we learn that a family has been waiting for about 1.5 hours for them to get enough people who want to go to Armenia in order to leave. Let's just say he is H O T! So hot that I believe he contributed to us getting upgraded to this nice ole bus! Whoop-whoop! 


I ended up finishing my book the help. It was quite the page turner and need to figure my next thriller, lol. We get to Armenia, change buses, and we are off to Salento, I am super pysched. We get to town and are trying to figure out what's next. My silly self left the number to get picked up and we learned that the cheap taxis stop running around 5pm and it was well after 8pm when we arrived. We were told that it was 1KM. Why are folks always lying to me?! It turned out to be more like 2KMS or so, which makes a difference when you are carrying a backpack.

Alas, we arrived and I LOVE THIS PLACE! La Serrano gets my recommendation for anyone passing through. It's on the pricier side, but its worth it and you get eggs for breakfast. It's such a cozy place. They even had a bonfire!


They even had some people roasting/making bread!

I was beat, so I did not stay out long. I was especially sad that I could not find any marshmallows to roast :-(. At least I have horseback riding to sorta look forward to!

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